An Introduction to The Kinetics Project

FurriFingers is partnering with the wonderful team at Broken Puppet Co for a very special research project called Kinetics
Kinetics is an incredibly exciting and groundbreaking collaborative project which is aimed for creating an all inclusive and accessible puppetry technology designed for professional and emerging disabled artists.
Together as a team we will be researching and developing new technologies using animatronics to help create more accessible ways to perform with puppets.
This technology will include voice activated animatronics, lightweight puppetry for interactive performances as well as radio controlled puppetry.
These new technologies will be aimed at limiting the strain on injuries to aid disabled artists as well as giving confidence back to artists who have lost theirs due to chronic illness. FurriFingers are keen to collaborate with Broken Puppet and their disabled artists because it will expand our understanding of specialists needs and how we can adapt our specialist technologies and business to become more inclusive.
This project has been in the works for over a year now, and our reasearch has been funded in part by the Arts Council who are keen to support this adventure. Due to current COVID restrictions, we are unable to meet in person to work on this project together, so we are working hard to ensure that we are making progress together virtually.
Keep checking back on both of our social media platforms for updates on this project as it progresses over the next few years!